Lema Mountain Parking

Stellplatz in Miglieglia, Switzerland
Zum Stellplatz

Lema Mountain Parking

Dieser Stellplatz kostet CHF 20 / Nacht und liegt in Miglieglia, Switzerland.

Nestled between Lake Lugano, Lake Maggiore and the Lugano valleys, Monte Lema stands out from Italian Switzerland with its 1,624 meters and dominates a panorama that embraces the valleys of Ticino and beyond.

Lema Mountain offers over 80 km of marked trails, which bring you to and immerse you in the greenery and tranquility of the region which embraces the valleys of Ticino and beyond.

Mountain bike
Fatigue and sweating for those who take up the challenge of the climb and pure pleasure for those who choose flat routes.

Euphoria and freedom. The infinite horizon. The feeling of swimming in the air. The summit of Monte Lema is open to lovers.

The large lawn of Monte Lema welcomes model aircraft enthusiasts, who from there, in complete safety, can take off and land with their small and large jewels.

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